How owners can list the home

Are you interested in listing your Senior Care Home with Adult Family Home Solutions? Here is a quick step by step process of how you can list your home.

List Homes

List Homes

First, fill out the general information regarding your adult family home listing. Be sure to accurately fill in these fields, as this information will help people searching for your home in your area find you.


Second, select the services that your adult family home offers to the elderly residents in your home. If there are additional services that you would like to add, please contact our support team.


Amenities & Neighbourhood

Amenities & Neighbourhood

After you have selected your senior care services and filled in the general information regarding your home, it is time to move on to the third step. In this step you will select the activities, amenities, and neighborhood characteristics. Remember, the selections you make here will show on your adult family home listing!

Home description & Photos

The last part of the listing process is also one of the most important parts. In this section you will need to add photos of your home and write a description that explains why someone should stay at your adult family home. Be sure to make each picture count, as each one shows families a glimpse of your home and can be the difference between a family reaching out or not.

Home description & Photos